One TO one sessions

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I love nothing more than being there to support women as they find their true path in life.
Whether it's helping them tap into their inner strength, uncover their passions, or gain clarity on their life's purpose, I'm here to guide them every step of the way.
It's not always an easy journey, but the reward of living a soul-driven life is worth it!".

Together we reconnect and re-discover their true innate and unique essence so that they can create a life that they love to live NOT JUST FEEL STUCK IN THE LIFE THEY HAVE CREATED.


Does your life look like this to you?

  • You are caught up in a never – ending cycle of jobs, chores and list of things to do.

  • You are constantly doing things for others and feel a level of resentment for it.

  • You never actually get around to doing things for yourself.

  • You are rushing here there and everywhere all of the time.

  • You find it hard to sit and relax and just be in the moment.

  • Your self care is often last on the list.

  • You know there is more in this life for you, but you have no idea how to tap into it.

  • You feel controlled by repetitive self-talk and the banter of your mind chatter.

  • You lack direction and feel like you are in coping mode all day.

  • You teeter between exhaustion and running on adrenalin highs.

  • You feel stuck, alone and disconnected and you just can’t seem to see a way out.

  • You just feel bored by your life.


Yes? You have come to the right place!


This is not for you if:

  • You want someone to FIX you.

  • You don’t want to do the inner deeper work.

  • You don’t want to take responsibility for your own life.

  • You think that the power resides with me.

  • You aren’t completely ready for a huge transformational life shift.

  • You want a quick fix.

  • You aren’t prepared to commit to a period of time to work together.

  • You don’t think your self -development is a priority.


In an initial 90-minute session:

  • We go through your intake form, talk about your goals and what you want to work on and generally get to know each other.

  • From here we discuss a plan based on your needs.

  • You will then jump on the table and this is where the alchemy happens.

  • I use Kinesiology, Energy Medicine modalities and guided intuition to discover and convey what your mind, body and spirit require in each and every session.

  • Every session is different, varies and is never the same.

  • At the end of each session we will chat about your session and re-book you for your next one.

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Once on the table, the session may look like:

  • Calming, regulating and balancing your nervous system and it’s responses. This is the single most important thing we do FIRST.

  • We bring you out of survival mode so that you begin the process of lasting and effective change. And when life’s big kickers come your way, you will know how to experience them from a place of equilibrium and be able to calm anxiety and anxious tendencies.

  • Bringing awareness to and identifying suppressed emotional and mental stressors and patterns held energetically in the body that are keeping you stuck and in a cycle of depletion and inability to change even when you want to.

  • Identifying the sub-conscious limiting beliefs that are shaping your life as you know it, so that you can release and then re-create new ones that will allow you to change the way you feel not only about yourself, but life.

  • Access suppressed emotional childhood trauma through the body and release it safely without having to delve back into a story that may cause re-traumatisation.

  • Bring awareness and curiosity to subconscious behavioural patterns and held perceptions that have shaped your life and “identity” so far.

  • Learn how to tap into a deeper wisdom through the language of intuition and discover what it is your soul is here to do in this life.

  • Learning techniques for self mastery and emotional intelligence. This is the key to tapping into your creative energy and bringing your soul purpose and mission to the surface so that you can begin to really live a life with meaning and gratification.

For online sessions we do the exact same thing, minus the hands on touch work and I apply the corrections to myself as your surrogate or I will give you guidance on what you need to do at your end.

In person sessions are held in Mona Vale, Sydney.

Online sessions are held in Zoom to anywhere around the world.


“Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you.” ~ Wayne Dyer


Ready to get started?